Thursday 1 September 2016

Cover for baking pan

So many flies around and the last time I transported a cake to a cookout the wind blew several times the towel away that I put over the baking pan as a cover. So yesterday I made some cotton covers that hold onto the mould. 
I choose cotton fabric so I can even cover the cake when it is still warm without the humidity condensing at the cover.
Yummy crumble - And the flies and bees can't have it any more!

The first one for the big baking pan has a tunnel from bias-tape on the inside edge where I put the elastic in.
This is working fine, but I thought it might be a little stiff for a smaller diameter, so for the smaller pan I just folded the edge in and sewed the elastic onto the inside while stretching it. This works also, but isn't looking as neat. I should look for some color matching elastic.
To have a set I made a third cover for my tarte-mould too!
This summer I really haven't done much sewing! With this little project I finish the break. 
See you soon with some more stuff...

A bientôt avec plus de chose cousu,

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